Friday 8 May 2009

Goodies Day!

It felt like Christmas today. I have never receive so many gifts in a day before. I was expecting a package but they all came on the same day.

First of all, I would like to thank Aunt Karen and Uncle John for sending me a HLRSC T-Shirt (in my favorite color - blue!) and the 2009 ARBA Year Book. I enjoyed the yearbook although I was not listed because I am a first year member. I fit into the T-Shirt perfectly and I love the LOGO! Thank you so so so so much! Love ya both lotsa!

My HLRSC T-Shirt & ARBA 2009 Yearbook
My HLRSC T-Shirt & ARBA 2009 Yearbook
Don't you just love the LOGO?
Don't you just love the LOGO?

Next, thank you Kak Azian for sending me Woody Pets pellets. Now my rabbit will be completely odorless and squeky clean!

Pos memang Laju...
Pos memang Laju...
Lastly, I received the Spring 2009 issue of The Hollander. This issue is dedicated to the colored Holland Lops. There are a few photos of absolutely stunning colored Holland Lops from all my favorite breeders. I am definitely staying up late to read all the wonderful articles in there!
The colorful Hollander!
The colorful Hollander!

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