Sunday 19 July 2009

Spells You'll Never Learn in SwineWart

I would like to dedicate this post to all Holland Lop breeders longing to have their nest boxes fill up. And thank you Susie for inspiring me to write this. Susie happened to catch a funny quote from me that I would like to share with the entire world.

How many times do we find ourselves saying things like "I wish he/she weren't born" or something along that line? Yes, we do hate our own kind sometimes. We find some of the people we know do not deserve to share this world we are living in maybe because of their stupidity or unacceptable behaviors. It is pretty normal to feel frustrated with a fellow human being. I am sure most of you could relate to me when I say that our pets ultimately make us feel happier after a hard day's work.

Most people with pets can relate very easily how they always turn to their beloved furball for solace. And our pets will never be a target of a mean statement. And so the quote "Sometimes I really hope the fertility rate of useless people are given to Holland Lops.." was born.

When I first started raising Holland Lops, I normally giggle in my heart when people tell me that Holland Lop is the hardest breed to work with and many quit as fast as they get into the hobby. Right now, I totally agree with what they told me. And the fact remains that we do not normally take it out on our beloved pets. The quote was inspired by the fact that I rather "diss" a fellow human being rather than my Holland Lops because they are worth so much more to me. LOL!

And to bring this to a higher level. I started to wonder how would it be possible to make something totally funny out of it. Sarcasm comes to me quite easily when I am frustrated. Almost anything in my path will get a good dissing. I am sure some of my closest friends knows me by that fact. A very good target at the moment is a movie so overrated that it is worth every dissing. It is about the lives of students in a place they call the School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. Yes, that place where "hogs" have "warts" in their butts!

Instead of teaching the students how to make pigs fly with levitation spells, I think they should give all Holland Lop breeders some spells to speed up kindling dates and increase the fertility rate of Holland Lops. And so I suggested to them to research into a spell I call "Swavapo Fertilito Animelly Humano". This should be a spell to be used to swap the fertility rate between Humans and Animals to help us solve the overpopulation of "useless" people. I rather have more Holland Lops on the face of the earth than to have millions of incompetent fools running around.

And sometimes breeders give their rabbits some prep talks to get them all hyped up wanting to have kits. For this I suggest a spell call "Kitos Now Nokiddin"!

And how I wish with just one POOOOOOF, we'll get something like this....

Holly Hope as a baby
Holly Hope as a baby

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