Thursday 13 December 2007

Oh no...

While cleaning up and feeding the herd today, I realized that Unix did not eat much since yesterday. Her food bowl and water bottle are still as full as yesterday. When I check on her litter tray, I realize she did not poo much. Quite a lot of urine and what seemed to be watery stool.

A rabbit owner's worst nightmare - GastroIntestinal Stasis or famously known as The Silent Killer of rabbits.

A good friend suggested that I read a Yahoo! group post by a fellow experienced rabbit owner. She suggested that a 50:50 mix of Aloe Vera Juice and Olive Oil, given 2 doses of a teaspoonful a few hours apart will help improve the situation.

After reading the article, I rushed to the nearest pharmacy and after going through 3 pharmacies, I found the aloe vera juice in the 4th that was not too costly.

I have just administered 2 syringes-ful a total of 6 ml of the mix. By right I should be giving 2 doses of 5ml. I am afraid of overdose so I felt it is better for me to take it slow.

Will be checking on my poor Unix periodically. She do not look too good today. Curled up at one corner of her cage.

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