Sunday 13 January 2008

Adinna kindled - 4 Pillsbury 1 Peanut

It was a great relief when I check in the next box this morning. It was as how all the seasoned breeders had advised me. Adinna seemed to be a great mother after all but this can only be confirmed tomorrow morning if we continue seeing Pillsbury's dough boy tummies. Turned out she had 4 normal kits and 1 seemed to be peanut. If I am getting a peanut, does it mean that I was having dwarf genes all along? I hope the peanut survive but it looks kinda retard and still has got its umbilical cord attached. Seems weak and cold at touch too.

Adinna Chilling & Watching me giving headcount...
It's a jungle in there...I see something moving!!!Do I see a broken black somewhere?Lil^Peanut - I really hope this one survives....

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