Sunday 16 August 2009

My Version Of A Perfect Holland Lop Part 2?

Extremely unsatisfied with my lack of talent, I persevered. I continue sketching, sketching and more sketching. Alas, this was by far the best I could produce. Indeed this shall be my objective and goal. My own perfect Holland Lop...

My Perfect Holland Lop!
My Perfect Holland Lop!

What do you think? Cute?

On the side note, I felt pretty refreshed this weekend. I realized how much I should not take my Hollands for granted. Taking a step backwards and realizing how each and everyone of them having a history of their own make them extra special and precious.

I believe what most breeders fear most is the possibility of losing their favorites and I am no exception. When we do loose our favorites, we kept on hoping that they would manifest themselves in the future generations of rabbits that we breed.

How we wish that our pets will never leave us. That way, it will save a lot of frustration and heart breaks.

But who are we to decide when we're merely weak human beings.

Have great week ahead everyone!

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