Sunday 15 June 2008

Litter Trays

Litter trays has been the best rabbit accessory for me. It is just so amazing how fast rabbits can pick up the habit of using them. I am using this triangular litter tray and I must say that they are serving me pretty well.

The only problem is that, I need to change them on a daily basis if the litter material that I am using has low absorbency. That is exactly what I am facing at the moment. I wanted to get a pack of Woody Pet Pellets but I was not too convince with the quality of the last packet so I opted for some other bedding. This bedding can't suck up as much compared to Woody Pet.

I spend almost 2 hours daily cleaning up after the rabbit and that is really taking a toll on me. I just need to go through this for another 1 week and thereafter, it would be less hassle - I hope.

It is about time I started to take photos of my rabbits on a daily basis instead of cleaning after them. Yes, I want more time with the rabbit and not with their "by-products".

I am really tired now. Just came back from a wedding dinner. TIRING!

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