Wednesday 7 May 2008

Holland Lop Varieties vs Human Varieties

A seasoned hobbyist of the Holland Lop or any other breed for the matter will tell you that every rabbit breed comes in different shapes, sizes and colors. When we say variety in rabbits, it mostly refers to the color of the rabbits in questioned.

But beyond the colors, I would also like to talk about behaviors. We all know that every individual rabbit have different behaviors and they are all unique. Some are nastier than another and some are sweet little creatures.

And looking beyond rabbits, we have their human counterparts. I have came across many rabbit owners that exhibit a wide range of behaviors. I believe breeders in US can also relate to my experience. More so when they have rabbit shows all around the country.

That is why, in our hobby, we must be aware and be vigilant on the tell tale signs of good and bad rabbit owners/breeders. I have my fair share of experience with ethical and unethical breeders. By experiencing all these hurdles I am able to identify a trustworthy and sincere rabbit owner/breeder from the opposites.

I just do not understand why sometimes certain people act the way they do. What is the point if you do not put in some passion to what you like doing? I believe to a certain point of time, most are raising their rabbits all for the wrong reasons. With this sort of attitude, I believe the hobby wouldn't last very long.

I do pray and hope that all rabbit owners/breeders have better temperaments. If they do not, perhaps we should start culling and blame it on the genes.

Note: This must be the first time I posting in a sarcastic manner. Sorry for that as I just realized something that pisses me off big time.

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