Sunday 11 January 2009

Provocative Quote

From time to time I meet very interesting characters and recently, I had the privilege of meeting a chatty girl nicknamed annebunny. We were discussing on the issue of breeding, the hottest topic that I will always talk to new rabbit acquaintances that I meet. And naturally, the discussion led to me asking whether she would feel bad if the kits from her breeding was sold to irresponsible owners and she replied:

"I do not think people would buy something they do not want"

Now, this statement is stuck to my head like glue. Such a simple statement that has so much weight to it. In between fighting within myself so hard not to agree with it, I realized that it does make some sense.Well, maybe some of you may go "DUHHhhhHH".

I have posted a couple of adoption posts in the past and what I fear most is that, out of all the rabbits being sold on a regular basis in the pet shops, a big percentage would be thrown out. To a great extend, I believe a huge percentage of those rabbits sold seldom make it to adulthood and even so, with inadequate care they will experience the same fate-death. The adoption posts are but a few "reported" cases. I hope there are no more than that. It is very nerve wreaking to have a sense of knowing that there are many more unreported cases.

But let us all hope for the best and believe in this little profound statement. I really do hope, people only buy things that they truly desire and cherish forever.

And let us just leave it as that.

P/S: Thanks annebunny for this inspiration, it is nice to know yet another rabbit lover that I believe through time, will blossom into someone who fights for the rights of domestic pets

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