Sunday 7 September 2008

Dreams Do Come True

Thinking back, I never thought I could own a pure bred rabbit in this lifetime let alone a Show Quality rabbit. When I first got Skor I was ecstatic. Then when Holly Hope came along, I was speechless. The latest addition to the excitement is Moesha. She is stunning for a four weeks old. Sadly, Charlyz is losing some stockiness.

WoW! I know I should not praise my own rabbit but I thought this kind of look can only be seen on other rabbitry websites! I just hope the ears do not grow any longer.

Her ears are getting longer and her head is slimming down. Hope she fills up soon and fast!

I am very grateful to all those people that has helped me in a way or another bringing in my foundation rabbits especially Christina for sharing her wonderful rabbits with me. A dream come true indeed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Moesha is positively goregous! I love her markings too! I have a hard time understand how you're ever able to part with them . . .