Thursday 9 October 2008

Difficult Decision

As I have mentioned many times before, mine is a very small rabbitry. Skor, Noobie, BlueBerry & Holly Hope will always be the permanent residents although I know one day, they will be out bred by their offspring. I will be adding on more permanent residents at Meadow Haven while I "cull" and send most to good homes. Once Meadow Haven has reached its limit, I will stop breeding until the older generations pass on and free up the spaces I have.

I will fill Meadow Haven with its finest but what happen when I am faced with so many potential finest?

At this moment I am in dilemma as to which to choose between Eclipse & Luna. Both have their strengths and weaknesses but there can only be one.

There are of course many criterias which I look out for but I am going in this order:

1) Body Type

2) Color/Markings

Beside from the above, I am also looking for traits that could help me improve the herd further. I only have Skor as my herd buck at the moment and I do not know when will there be another buck coming along that could replace him. Eclipse being the only other buck I have at the moment makes it even harder for me to decide.

I wonder how other breeders like me cope with their herd. I guess it is always better to have a big rabbitry where every single kit can be kept. LOL. That's totally the opposite extreme...

Maybe I shall pluck a sunflower and start plucking its petals to help me decide.

Luna, Eclipse, Luna, Eclipse...


How can I resist this?


Anonymous said...

do you not have enough space to keep both of them?
I know a lot of breeders that won't sell hollands till at least 4 months (I can't remember offhand how old they are) but I would hold on to both of them if you can.

TLR said...

Hi Ali,

I really do not have the space to keep more than 1 from the same litter. I really want to just keep the best in my eyes. LOL...

I can make the call at the end of the day but I just do not want to. That's the reason why it is so difficult.

And you are absolutely right, in normal circumstances it should be after 4 months.

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, just wondering. ;) Hoping that it'll all work out!