Thursday 17 July 2008

Day 13

The darker kit’s eyes are wide open now. One of the lighter kits’ eyes are half open and the other two are still blind. I wiped their eyes with a wet cotton just like what I have done in previous litters. Hope they will have their eyes open in no time!

Their colors are still something I just cannot figure out. Looking at Amy’s Rabbit Ranch color guide, they do resemble a little like Broken Opal/Broken Chestnuts. Arghhh!!!! This is really puzzling! LOL…

I do not really mind the colors as long as I can figure them out. Most probably they are Broken Blue ala Oxidized! LOL!!!!

I must also add that BlueBerry is just so cute. She has got used to the feeding routine that she will stand with her two front legs on the food bowl as if she is demanding for food (actually she is!). I almost got a better shot of her face. This is the ultimate disapproval! The meanest I have seen so far:

I disapprove you taking such a long time feeding me! Give me those pellets, I am bored of these hay!

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