Monday 7 July 2008

I Day Old Kits

So far, all the 4 kits are healthy and their colors are slowly showing. I am hoping to get blue kits and so far, they do seemed to be broken blue as the patches are not dark enough to be black. We'll just see how they grow up since their fur will emerge pretty soon.

And I owe it to BlueBerry that I have to mention she is indeed a sweet mummy. Plump kits this morning. So I guess she acted bad the last litter for a reason.


Since I am in the topic of kits, I just wanted to highlight my experience being a "show breeder". The amazing thing about breeding show rabbits is the many "surprises" Mother Nature gives to us. We can only speculate and guess through the pedigree what we are going to get from breeding two rabbits. The quality of the product is not up to us to decide. If we can do that, it would mean that there will not be shows or competition to ascertain whose rabbits are closest to the breed standards. In short, there is no 100% perfect bunny in this world. We all work towards the breed standard, that's the best we can do in our breeding program.

That would mean that breeding a Grand Champion to a Grand Champion not always guarantees us 100% show kits. Likewise, breeding Pet Quality to Pet Quality not necessary do not produce show quality. I must also stress here that by breeding 2 grand champs, you increase the chances of getting show or grand champs. The key words here are INCREASED CHANCES.

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