Thursday 24 July 2008

Tails From Meadow Haven: Chapter 2

“Psst, what can you see from where you are?”

“Nothing. I just heard the usual noise. It sounds like as if someone’s gnawing a tree buck underground (The sound of a key in a keyhole). Just a little milder version”

“Oh no, here comes the dark floaties. The humans are always behind those dark floaties. One, Two, Three, see I told ya”

“That is master’s wife holding that baby again. I wonder why they bring her in and out every single day. Can’t they just stay put here”

“I prefer them not being around. It makes me feel so nervous”

“Mummy, their kit loves me. It pats me and hugs me whenever master let me out”

“You sure it was not the other way around?”


“Here he comes! Here he comes!”

“Stay still BlueBerry!”

“Here comes those tentacles!”

“No sudden movements BlueBerry!”

“I am gonna strike those tentacles if they come any closer. They are kidnaping one of my babies!”

“Oh dear…”

“They are back again and my baby is safe”

“You are over reacting. He is just checking out the kits”

“Alright now, he’s gone”

~~ After 10 Bunny Hours (10 minutes in human understanding) ~~

“You guys smell that?”

“Yeah, sweet aroma of fresh vegetables”

“Take a guess what’s for dinner”


“Bok Choy!”


“And here he comes again”

“WHAT!? Not those darn pellets again. My throat is so sore eating those darn hard pieces of crap. My jaws are tired from chewing!”

“There goes your hallucination of having a Vege Feast!”

“I just have to stick with these Western Timothy Hay then”

~ To be continue (master needs to get back to work) ~

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