Wednesday 2 July 2008

Kicking kits?

Anyone with a pregnant doe will usually get anxious as kindling date draws near. Past experiences taught me that sometimes if I look close & attentive enough, I might see kits kicking against the doe’s lower abdomen.

BlueBerry looks quite plump and heavier than before. Of course there is no guarantee that she is pregnant until the kindling date. But there are some tell tale signs i.e. nest building.

I was observing her stomach last night and I thought I noticed a little thud (kick) from within. Previously I always mistaken the movement of the gut as movement of kits but I do believe to a certain extend, if the movement of the gut is very prominent, it may happen to be the uterus horn pushing the gut closer to the stomach surface. That for me is one of the tell tale sign too. Funny how I come out with my own theory eh? Well, sometimes we just cannot explain science too much especially for me as I normally depend on my gut feeling when it comes to my rabbit.

Well, as an owner to a pet, we are more intuitive to our own furkid and most of the time we can see the differences.

So I am just hoping that she will kindle come 6th July. I am in the midst of planning out Noobie’s breeding time too so that the kindling day falls on a weekend. Easier for me to intervene and be prepared for emergency cases if (touch wood) something bad happens on a weekend.

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